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  3. Our Philosophy

Our Philosophy

The "Philosophy" of Meiko Group

  • Providing the best products and services to customers,
    and happiness for employees and society through manufacturing.

Meiko Group practices fair competition in its pursuit of reasonable profits and works for the greater good of society. Meiko Group respects the rights of all people, complies with laws and regulations, honors global rules and their underlying morals, and act as a responsible global company with high ideals that contributes to the creation of a sustainable society through its business activities, both in Japan and other countries around the world. The corporate charter that governs our actions is based on the following nine principles:

Corporate Charter

  1. We seek to earn the satisfication and trust of our customers by developing and providing products and services that are highly reliable and beneficial to society. To accomplish this, we give due consideration to quality, safety, and the need to protect the information of our customers.
  2. We aim to push the creative bounds of technical development and cultivate new businesses that contribute to the future affluence of society.
  3. We practice fair, transparent, and free competition, conduct business in a manner that is appropriate, and strive to maintain a healthy and normal relationship with the government and authorities.
  4. We communicate with shareholders as well as our stakeholders, including customers, investors, business partners, and employees, in an effort to actively, fairly, and promptly disclose corporate information and enhance the transparency of our corporate activities.
  5. We respect the diversity of our employees, their individuality and characteristics, and make every effort to create a work environment that is safe and comfortable.
  6. As human beings we must all fulfill our common duty to tackle environmental problems. Meiko Group strives to minimize the burden placed on the global environment as we work to help create a sustainable society.
  7. As a model corporate citizen, we give back to society through research, education, contributions to environmental protection and community service, and by standing up to anti-social forces and organizations.
  8. In our international business activities we not only conform to global rules and regional rules, but also respect local cultures and conventions and contribute their development.
  9. Our executives recognize that their role is to embody the spirit of this Charter, lead by example, and make all employees, group companies, and business partners aware of its principles. Additionally, we constantly monitor opinions from both inside and outside the company, construct an effective form of governance, and constantly uphold corporate ethics.

Our Code of Conduct

  1. Putting the highest priority on customer satisfaction

    The Meiko Group conducts business activities under the slogan of “Put Customer Satisfaction First.”

    Providing safe, high quality products and services

    Meiko always provides products and services that meet customers’ expectations and requests and satisfy customers. Meiko also develops and reviews quality policies and various regulations to evaluate products and services on an ongoing basis for the further improvement of safety, reliability and quality of products and services.

    Response to complaints and requests from customers

    We faithfully and sincerely respond to all complaints and requests from customers, and share them within the Meiko Group to utilize them in the development and improvement of our products and services. If we acquire any information on the safety of our products and services, we immediately inform it to the Quality Assurance Division of the Group’s head office and, when deemed necessary, assign the officer in charge of quality assurance as the responsible person to identify the cause and disclose necessary information to customers and associated institutions promptly and in a comprehensible manner.

    Stakeholder trust

    We maintain sound and transparent corporate activities and business management in an effort to create corporate value and continue to be a reliable company for customers, shareholders, investors, communities, etc. We disclose corporate information including the management policy or financial data appropriately and on a suitable timing to obtain accurate understanding and trust.

  2. Improvement of state-of-the-art technology

    We promote research and development at all times, and endeavor to develop and enhance advanced technical capabilities to appropriately deal with changes in the technical environment.

    Addressing difficult challenges

    We deem all challenges we face in our business activities to be opportunities for growth of the business and of every individual, actively tackle even difficult challenges, and solve issues through constantly exerting our utmost effort.

    Protection of intellectual property

    We comply with laws and regulations on intellectual property such as the Patent Act and the Copyright Act, and strive to appropriately maintain and manage the intellectual property obtained in the course of technical development to prevent infringement. Similarly, we respect intellectual property held by others and do not conduct any act that willfully infringes it or contributes to or abets such infringement.

  3. Fair transaction

    We maintain the transparency of the relationships with our business partners, comply with relevant laws and regulations, and conduct fair transactions in accordance with sound business practices and social norms. In our relationships with other companies in our industry, we do not engage in behavior that impedes, or is suspected to impede, free and fair competition.

    Transactions with suppliers

    We endeavor to maintain justice in our purchasing activities, ensure the utmost benefit of the Meiko Group and gain high-level trust from suppliers. We conduct faithful transactions in accordance with relevant laws and regulations and agreements, make contact with suppliers on an equal footing, make selections based on reasonable grounds, and refrain from receiving individual interest or benefit or acting upon personal feeling.

    Response to entertainment or gifts

    In order to maintain sound relationships with business partners including suppliers, we do not receive or give individual benefits in association with job duties such as entertainment or gifts that exceed the range of common sense such as ceremonial functions. We endeavor to keep business partners well informed about this attitude.

    Prohibition of insider trading

    We do not conduct stock or securities trade based on important and undisclosed corporate information. We do not solicit others such as family, friends, customers and other employees to conduct such trades.

    Appropriate management and use of corporate assets

    We endeavor to make the most of tangible assets or intangible assets such as intellectual property to enhance business results and profits. To that end, we appropriately preserve and manage group assets such as tangible and intangible assets and personal computers and networks, and use them in the pursuit of improvement of business or fulfillment of social responsibilities. We do not use them for private purposes or non-business purposes.

    Appropriate accounting treatment

    We conduct accounting procedures including bookkeeping or financial recording appropriately and faithfully. Not only officers or employees in charge of accounting and financial affairs but also all other employees comply with laws and regulations concerning their duties in order not to cause misunderstanding or keep false records.

  4. Provision of fair and appropriate information

    In conducting sales activities, responding to inquiries, or providing services, we comply with the relevant laws and regulations, and never use any representation or expression with regard to quality, performance or specifications of products or services that are not true or could cause misunderstanding by customers.

    Information handling

    We pay careful attention to the handling of information based on the Information Security Policy. In order to protect customer information or information assets we hold from threats such as illegal access, disaster or crime, we implement security enhancement or other measures and raise the awareness of officers and employees for information security.

    Management of confidential information

    We appropriately manage our confidential information such as business management, or technical and product development. We do not use it for purposes other than the original intent or leak it to any third party without the approval of the company while in office and after retirement.
    In order to avoid information leakage, we do not make conversation or check documents in crowded places, such as public transportation or restaurants.

    Protection of personal information

    We respect the individual privacy of customers and employees of our business partners, officers and employees of group companies. We appropriately obtain, use and manage personal information. We do not use such information for purposes other than the original intent or disclose it to any third party without the consent of the relevant individual.

    Relationship with media or public statement

    We provide public information or disclose information to newspapers, magazines, television or radio stations, or the Internet or security analysts only through appropriate channels such as employees in charge of public relations or investor relations.

  5. Respecting human rights

    We do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, ethnicity, nationality, religion, thought, belief, gender, age, sexual orientation, social status, past career, disability, medical records, pregnancy or marital status. We operate on the basis of mutual respect, and endeavor to see the other person’s perspective.

    Elimination of forced labor and child labor

    We do not conduct forced labor. We do not use the labor of children who have not reached the minimum age for employment specified in the laws and regulations of each country or region. In addition, we demand the submission of the original of publicly issued identification documents or personal documents only with the consent of the relevant person in order to eliminate the structure that leads to compulsory labor.

    Pleasant working environment

    We strive for mutual understanding in order to perform at our best and respect the diverse qualities and expertise of every individual. We try to create a workplace where the individuality and character of every individual is respected and proactive efforts can be made for the continuous development of the Meiko Group and the growth of every individual.

    Prohibition of harassment

    We respect each other’s personalities and act bearing in mind how someone feels about the words or attitudes of those around them so as not to engage in behavior that violates laws and regulations or public morals, or that constitutes behavior of a sexual nature or an abuse of power. In addition, we take a firm stance on any form of harassment that disrupts the workplace culture.

    Protection of privacy

    We do not disclose internally or externally information on the personal life of officers and employees that comes to be known in the workplace or in the course of performing job duties without the consent of the person.

    Safe and healthy working environment

    We observe labor laws and regulations, internal regulations and rules on personnel matters or employment such as working regulations. We put the highest priority on safety and mental and physical health, manage risk for physically-demanding work, and make efforts to improve the working environment.

    Sharing information in the workplace

    We conduct reporting, notification and consultation in a timely manner to enable appropriate decision making in the workplace via smooth and open communication.

    Abolishment of empty formalities

    Excluding gifts exchanged on ceremonial occasions within the scope of common sense, we do not give and take ritual gifts internally.

  6. Environmental awareness

    We comply with domestic and international laws and regulations concerning the environment, endeavor to save resources and energy, and reduce the use of substances that pose a burden on the environment in every stage including during the procurement of parts, manufacturing of products, distribution, use, recycling and disposal. Our aim in so doing is to help prevent global warming, reduce the burden on the environment, and promote environmental preservation.
    We carry out appropriate management to prevent chemical substances or byproducts generated by our operations that adversely affect the environment from entering the atmosphere, soil or rainwater.

    Management of hazardous substances

    We strictly handle chemical or other substances that might pose a risk if emitted and ensure that they are disposed of in a safe manner. Furthermore, we provide appropriate education to persons handling hazardous substances.

    Promotion of technical innovation

    We endeavor to promote technical innovation that reduces the burden on the environment and aggressively utilize such technology.

    Enhancing environmental awareness and taking responsible action

    Individually, we pay attention to the community from a broad perspective, proactively learn about the environment to enhance awareness, and set ourselves the task of environmental preservation on our own responsibility.

  7. Compliance with laws and regulations, and internal rules and policies

    All officers and employees of the Meiko Group comply with any and all laws and regulations, rules and internal rules, and policies of each country or region with regard to their own duties, and conduct business activities faithfully and ethically.

    Political and religious activities and solicitation

    We do not conduct political activities, proselytizing, religious activities or solicitation in pursuit of the interests of individuals or specified groups within the company without the company’s approval. We do not use the company’s name or our position in the company when acting outside the company as individuals.

    Community-based company

    We are in close contact with the local community and contribute to cultural and economic development in order to become a company loved and trusted by the local community.

    Corporate culture that puts emphasis on social engagement activities

    Building on the social awareness of each of our employees, we nurture the corporate culture that each officer or employee actively contributes to society.

    Elimination of anti-social forces

    We eliminate any and all relationships with anti-social forces that pose a threat to the order or safety of the civil society. If an inappropriate demand is made, we closely coordinate with external professional institutions such as police and take a firm stance on company-wide basis.

  8. Understanding diversity

    When we conduct business activities on a global scale, we pay attention to cultural differences for each region, fully understand the different ways of thinking for each region, and perform our duties while respecting such differences.

    Ensuring observance of global ethics by suppliers

    We require suppliers to take action in awareness of ethics and social responsibilities such as complying with laws and regulations of the country or region where they conduct their business activities and respecting international agreements.

    Strict risk management

    We endeavor to ascertain and prevent various risks in the Meiko Group. We promptly deal with any crisis in accordance with the predetermined internal procedures.

    Maintenance of peace and safety (Elimination of conflict minerals)

    We do not trade materials, components, products or technologies that impede, or could impede, the maintenance of international peace and safety, such as conflict minerals.

  9. Breach of the Code of Conduct

    Any breach of the Code of Conduct is subject to disciplinary action based on the working regulations. If a breach of the Code of Conduct is suspected or we find a difficulty in making a decision with regard to such breach, we will consult with the supervisor or responsible department.

    Whistle blowing

    A whistle blowing structure has been established to handle a whistle blower’s report of a violation of corporate ethics or illegal acts in a serious manner. Such whistle blower may face an issue that has not been resolved in consultation with his/her supervisor or experience difficulty in making such consultation. The anonymity of the whistle blower is ensured to prevent the whistle blower from abuse or reprisal. We impose strict disposition including personnel disposition on any person responsible for abuse or reprisal of such whistle blower.

    Activities to instill this Code of Conduct

    We provide periodic training in the workplace. In addition, we regularly review the Conduct to keep every employee well informed.

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